• Astronomy meeting tomorrow and the 2012 night sky « South Dublin …

    Updated: 2011-11-24 00:54:46
    Astronomy meeting tomorrow and the 2012 night sky.

  • New experiment neither proves nor refutes FTL neutrinos | Bad …

    Updated: 2011-11-24 00:54:42
    Richard Drumm The Astronomy Bum Says: November 21st, 2011 at 9:05 am. The neutrinos probably nipped into the tardis for a moment… But yeah, there's an error still to be discovered.

  • November 18th: Indigenous Australian Astronomy

    Updated: 2011-11-24 00:54:41
    Date: November 18, 2011 Title: Indigenous Australian Astronomy Podcaster: Steve Nerlich Organization: Cheap Astronomy Link: www.cheapastro.com Description: A brief outline of what is still remembered from Indigenous ...

  • HUBBLE TELESCOPE – Astronomy Video | DnaTube.com …

    Updated: 2011-11-24 00:54:40
    HUBBLE TELESCOPE - Astronomy . This Scientific content most probably shows video related to topic: HUBBLE TELESCOPE - Astronomy . However in few cases, video content could be different than the title.

  • Faster-than-light neutrinos: the would-be find of the century that may yet be confirmed

    Updated: 2011-11-21 18:47:21
    It’s been a couple of months since scientists first reported the possibility of neutrinos traveling faster than light, a finding that if upheld would turn fundamental physics on its head. There’s been a lot of speculation about the possibility since then, but a majority of physicists seem to have dismissed it. However, there’s also been [...]

  • New experiment neither proves nor refutes FTL neutrinos

    Updated: 2011-11-21 14:00:28
    On Friday, a news story came out that a second experiment seems to support the results of an earlier experiment which showed neutrinos might be moving faster than light. I commented about this on Google+ at the time, but I want to post about it here as well. Let me be clear: this new result [...]

  • Where does Higgs fit best?

    Updated: 2011-11-21 00:54:50
    When I looked at this picture of Easter Island and matched it to a recent picture of Peter Higgs the best fit was the first statue, but where does the Higgs Boson fit best on the search plots from the LHC? It may be a little late now to try to analyse the latest public [...]

  • OPERA fail to find error in Faster Than Light Measurement

    Updated: 2011-11-18 09:03:56
    The OPERA experiment has failed to find an error in their measurement of neutrino speeds that shows them travelling faster than light. The earlier result was most strongly criticized because of the statistical nature of the measurement which involved fitting the timing profile of many observed events at Gran Sasso to the known shape of long duration [...]

  • Particle physics inspires classical composer

    Updated: 2011-11-16 16:40:26
    Major new work for violin traces the history of particle physics

  • HCP 2011: Will it Deliver?

    Updated: 2011-11-10 22:43:17
    The rumour mill is once again turning its rusty wheels, and there are suggestions that an interesting result will be revealed at Hadron Collider Physics conference in Paris next week. More on that in a minute. You may think that things have been quietly lately but there have been a lot of workshops going. They [...]

  • What is the Future for Particle Accelerators?

    Updated: 2011-11-06 11:24:58
    This year all physics eyes are on the Large Hadron Collider as it approaches its promised landmark discovery of the Higgs Boson (or maybe its undiscovery). At the same time some physicists are planning the future for the next generation of colliders. What will they be like? The answer depends in part on what the [...]

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